À propos de nous!
Unlike all other seller-centric real estate platforms, our innovative solution is the only one entirely dedicated to buyers. We’ve created this platform so that their interests always come first.

Real estate, with no conflict of interest
Our mission
Since 2012, we’ve been dedicated to providing a personalized real estate buying experience focused ONLY on buyers through the C.C.A. Purchase Brokerage Contract. Our mission is simple: to enable buyers to benefit from exclusive, conflict-free broker representation.
Following recent legislative updates by the O.A.C.I.Q., effective June 10, 2022, Pierre Boutin had the idea of creating this platform. It aims to provide a space where buyers feel respected, valued and represented by their own real estate broker.
The aim is to help buyers prepare professionally, so that they become the first choice of sellers in today’s market.
A new real estate brokerage model with the C.C.A.
The Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) introduced this contract back in 2012 to structure and secure real estate transactions in Quebec.
Our vision
Dual representation has no place
It’s essential that buyers are represented by their own broker right from the start of the process. A dedicated buyer’s broker offers personalized advice, negotiates the best terms and conditions, and ensures that every decision is in the buyer’s exclusive interest.
Our commitment to buyers
Brokers using our platform are dedicated exclusively to buyers via the Contrat de Courtage Achat (C.C.A.). By voluntarily refraining from listing properties for sale, they eliminate any conflict of interest or even the appearance of one. This approach allows brokers to stay focused on the main objective: finding the best property for their buyer clients in the right way.
Working with ethical brokers
We firmly believe in the importance of clear and ethical representation in every real estate transaction. That’s why we refer sellers to brokers who share our stance against dual representation. Like us, these brokers are committed to maintaining integrity and transparency in the real estate market, and to never accepting both sides of a transaction.

A New Era in Real Estate
Here are the 5 major advantages of having your own real estate broker who masters the Contrat de Courtage Achat C.C.A. :

Protecting the buyer's interests :
By signing a CCA, the buyer benefits from the exclusive representation of a real estate broker who defends the buyer's interests, not those of the seller. The broker advises the buyer, since without a CCA he cannot advise any buyer.

Access to properties not listed on Centris :
The CCA allows the broker to actively search for properties that are not officially on the market. This increases the buyer's chances of finding a property that meets his or her specific criteria in an informed manner.

Thorough checks of all properties :
The broker carries out all the necessary checks on the properties you are interested in, including legal and structural aspects. This includes checking on easements, taxes, renovations and other important factors.

Transparency and duty to inform :
It is the broker's obligation to provide detailed explanations of all contract clauses, as well as any relevant documents, in order to keep the buyer informed of any factors that may affect his transaction. This transparency allows the buyer to fully understand each step of the purchasing process, and to make informed decisions with confidence.

Negotiation of remuneration conditions :
The purchase brokerage contract clearly defines the terms of the broker's remuneration, which can be negotiated. This gives the buyer the flexibility to determine how the broker's fees will be paid, either directly or by integrating them into the mortgage financing for greater transparency.
We are neither a real estate agency nor an advertising company.
We are a unique, free real estate platform, providing buyers with valuable resources to help them make informed decisions.
Pierre Boutin, courtier immobilier au service des acheteurs!
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