Depuis le 10 juin 2022, une législation révolutionnaire sur le courtage immobilier au Québec est entrée en vigueur, transformant radicalement la manière dont les courtiers immobiliers s'engagent dans le processus d'achat de leurs clients. Cette nouvelle loi proscrit expressément aux courtiers immobiliers de représenter à la fois l'acheteur et le vendeur au cours d'une même transaction, considérée comme un conflit d'intérêts manifeste.
Take Your Time: The Guide to Successful Real Estate Transactions.
Since 2012, with the introduction of the purchase brokerage contract by the OACIQ, it has become clear that taking your time to acquire a property is essential to a successful purchase. This conviction guides our approach to ensure a smooth transaction.
Buying a property is often the investment of a lifetime. That’s why it’s essential not to rush into anything, and to examine all the critical aspects of a transaction carefully. The Organisme d’autorégulation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) stresses the importance of not neglecting certain key elements when buying a property. Here are the OACIQ’s tips for real estate transactions.
The Importance of Building Inspection
The building inspection is a crucial step in any real estate purchase, whether the property is new or old. The seller’s building declarations, whether for a residential building and undivided co-ownership or for divided co-ownership, provide valuable information on the property’s condition and history. The OACIQ, in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act, requires brokers to recommend an inspection by a qualified professional. This step is essential to avoid unexpected expenses and to ensure that the property meets your expectations.
Don't waive your legal warranty unnecessarily
The legal warranty is fundamental to any real estate transaction. It ensures that the property is free of hidden defects and title defects, offering significant protection to the buyer. It is crucial not to exclude this warranty when drafting a brokerage contract or promise to purchase. The OACIQ insists that brokers clearly inform buyers and sellers of the risks associated with waiving this warranty. Ensuring that this protection is included in your transaction can help you avoid serious financial consequences.
The importance of a Certificate of Location
A recent certificate of location is essential for any real estate transaction. This document describes the current state of the property and includes any modifications made, as well as the impact of regulatory changes. The certificate must be updated if the existing one is more than ten years old, to avoid problems at the time of sale.
Under OACIQ regulations, brokers must ensure that their clients understand the importance of this document and the consequences of not having an up-to-date version. This ensures transparency and legal certainty for all parties involved.
Choosing to work with an OACIQ-licensed real estate broker gives you access to protection under the law, expertise that is indispensable for navigating the complex world of real estate. Taking the time to examine each document and each stage of your real estate transaction can save you from many complications. Real estate is a field where caution is always called for, and the OACIQ is there to ensure that your interests are protected throughout the process.
Sources OACIQ
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