Depuis le 10 juin 2022, une législation révolutionnaire sur le courtage immobilier au Québec est entrée en vigueur, transformant radicalement la manière dont les courtiers immobiliers s'engagent dans le processus d'achat de leurs clients. Cette nouvelle loi proscrit expressément aux courtiers immobiliers de représenter à la fois l'acheteur et le vendeur au cours d'une même transaction, considérée comme un conflit d'intérêts manifeste.
Understanding the Promise to Purchase
A crucial commitment

What is a Promise to Purchase?
The promise to purchase, established by the Organisme d'autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ), is a contract in which the buyer offers to purchase a property under specific conditions, and awaits the seller's acceptance. This document details not only the price offered, but also other essential conditions such as completion deadlines, financing terms and necessary inspections.

What is Good Faith in the Promise?
Acting in good faith means proceeding sincerely, loyally and honestly. For the seller, it means disclosing everything they know about the condition of the property. For the buyer, it means ascertaining his or her financial capacity to proceed with the purchase. The broker, for his part, must inform the buyer of any elements likely to influence his decision, while protecting his personal and strategic information.
Key stages of the Promise to Purchase
Before signing
- Advice and information: The broker must help the buyer understand the history of the property and ensure that it meets his or her needs and budget.
- Determining the price: The broker also helps set the offer price based on an analysis of comparable properties and the seller’s statements.
- Regulatory compliance: It’s crucial to verify that the property’s intended use complies with current regulations, such as non-contamination of the land.
During negotiation
- Detailed review: Read the promise to purchase carefully with your broker and make sure that all your conditions are well specified.
- Deadlines and dates: Check the time allowed for the seller to respond and key dates such as the signing of the deed of sale and the taking of possession.
After approval
- Managing counter-proposals: Be prepared to deal with counter-proposals, which may include changes to the price or conditions of sale.
The law allows the buyer to withdraw from a promise to purchase in limited circumstances.
Always get the best possible representation!
Your broker will explore all options: from homes listed by other brokers via Centris, to those sold directly by owners on DuProprio, Publi-Maison, and LesPAC, to properties from finance takeovers or estates. This way, you’re sure not to miss any opportunities that might be of interest to you.
Étiez-vous informé qu’un courtier immobilier dédié aux acheteurs peut vous guider lors de la visite de toutes les propriétés qui pourraient susciter votre intérêt ?
Pierre Boutin, courtier immobilier au service des acheteurs!
Agissant à son compte! (Résidentiel et Commercial)
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