Advice for buyers

Get an inspection before you buy, that’s how you protect your future!

Depuis le 10 juin 2022, une législation révolutionnaire sur le courtage immobilier au Québec est entrée en vigueur, transformant radicalement la manière dont les courtiers immobiliers s'engagent dans le processus d'achat de leurs clients. Cette nouvelle loi proscrit expressément aux courtiers immobiliers de représenter à la fois l'acheteur et le vendeur au cours d'une même transaction, considérée comme un conflit d'intérêts manifeste.

The crucial value of a home inspection when buying a property

Imagine a decisive moment when a single choice can define your entire real estate buying experience. It’s the role of the pre-purchase inspection to help you make the RIGHT choice.

For most people, buying a home is one of the biggest financial transactions they’ll ever make. That’s why it’s essential to take all the necessary precautions to ensure that the investment is safe and sound. One of these precautions is the inspection of the property by a qualified professional.

Why have a property inspected?​​

To protect your investment.

An inspection: Essential for all types of property

Whether you prefer the charm of an old building or the promise of new construction, an inspection remains the key to your purchase. It sheds light on the grey areas of new construction and assesses the integrity of old, ensuring you make a choice that stands the test of time.

A property inspection identifies potential problems that could be costly to repair after purchase. This includes assessing the structure, roofing, plumbing, electrical installation and much more. Everything in sight is scrutinized to make sure you know what you’re getting into before finalizing the purchase.

Requirements for a qualified inspector

To protect buyers, the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) recommends choosing an inspector who meets strict criteria, such as :

What happens if you refuse an inspection?

Refusing an inspection can be risky. In the event of subsequent problems with the property, the court could question your thoroughness. At the time of the promise to purchase, if you decide not to proceed with an inspection, your broker is obliged to indicate this, which could influence the legal recourse available in the event of a dispute.

The added value of an inspection

In addition to providing peace of mind, an inspection can be particularly critical in the case of a sale without a legal guarantee of quality. It can supplement the information provided by the seller’s declarations, and demonstrate that the buyer has acted prudently.

Étiez-vous informé qu’un courtier immobilier dédié aux acheteurs peut vous guider lors de la visite de toutes les propriétés qui pourraient susciter votre intérêt ?

Pierre Boutin, courtier immobilier au service des acheteurs!

Agissant à son compte! (Résidentiel et Commercial)



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Taking your time is the first step to a successful purchase!

Real estate is a sector where caution is always called for, and the OACIQ is there to ensure that your interests are protected throughout the process.

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